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After Long Journey
by MJ Moore
(after reading "End of Summer" by W. S. Merwin)
After long journey, the one we all know—
train wheels endlessly churning, descending bottomless chasms, clattering through smoke-filled tunnels— the light is a surprise, a thing distantly remembered. The soft lemon-white glow like a hand softly stroking our clutched hands, a finger tracing a worry line, reminding us to smile. Something shifts. We remember now—we meant to rise, stroll the birch forest. Silver limbs bereft of leaves, but clutching secret buds. |
MJ Moore lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. Her various incarnations have included technical writer and editor, grassroots environmental activist, first grade teacher, poet and flash fiction writer, wife, and mother. Strongly bicoastal, she thrives on salt air, wind and waves, but also loves mountains, deserts, forests and streams. Writing for her is a source of vision and joy.
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Vistas & Byways Review is the semiannual journal of fiction, nonfiction and poetry by members of Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at San Francisco State University.
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Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at San Francisco State University (OLLI at SF State) provides communal and material support to the Vistas & Byways volunteer staff.