NONFICTION - Table of Contents |
Photo by Jane Hudson
Our Food ThemeLife and Love in an Italian Kitchen by Cathy Fiorello The making of meatballs, and so, so much more . . . Sixty Years in the Kitchen
by Kaaren Strauch Brown This chronicle details decades of intriguing and varied combinations of culture and cuisine that mark the author’s experiences in the kitchen. Strange Foods in a Strange Land
by Lucy Sweeney A lively account of how a young girl’s relocation from Northern to Southern California in the 1950s felt to her like moving to the other side of the world. A Very Special Meal
by Vivien Zielin The author describes a magnificent meal in India designed to honor her, but is flummoxed when her hosts present a dish from her home country. The Bread is Warm
by Cathy Fiorello The author shares her profound appreciation of marvelous bread with generations that follow. Cannoli Comfort
by Marsha Michaels A heartwarming recounting of how a particular food helped kindle young love and provided comfort later in life. Vertical Divider
More NonfictionWho is the Murderer?
by Don Plansky An in-depth, chilling investigation, using film noir, of who could be driven to kill—it could be your best friend, or even you! Tea Time
by Maria-Teresa Poblete A touching vignette of kindergarten life, friendship, and reaching out to others—what will we learn and how will that impact our own lives? Oranges and Postcards
by Barbara Applegate A granddaughter’s description of the comforts and joys of Grandmother’s visits and of her tireless devotion to her daughter. The Mahjong Game
by Dina Martin Will a non-Jewish woman, disappointed when she attempts to join a temple choir, find some consolation in a game of Mahjong? Empty Nest
by Kathy Bruin The author dreaded New Year’s Eve because she knew in the new year, her father was going to die, “and there were no two ways about it.” |
Vistas & Byways Review is the semiannual journal of fiction, nonfiction and poetry by members of Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at San Francisco State University.
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Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at San Francisco State University (OLLI at SF State) provides communal and material support to the Vistas & Byways volunteer staff.