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by Diane Frank
Diane Frank is author of seven books of poems, two novels, and a memoir of her 400-mile trek in the Himalayas. Blackberries in the Dream House, her first novel, won the Chelson Award for Fiction and was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize. Canon for Bears and Ponderosa Pines received honors in the SF Book Festival. Letters from a Sacred Mountain Place: A Journey through the Nepal Himalayas, invites you into the mountains with stories, poems and 53 color photographs. Diane teaches in the OLLI Program at SFSU. She edited the bestselling anthology, River of Earth and Sky: Poems for the 21st Century. She also plays cello in the Golden Gate Symphony. For more information: www.DianeFrank.net
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Vistas & Byways Review is the semiannual journal of fiction, nonfiction and poetry by members of Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at San Francisco State University.
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Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at San Francisco State University (OLLI at SF State) provides communal and material support to the Vistas & Byways volunteer staff.